By creating SMART goals for your marketing strategy, you can have a clear finish line to cross and celebrate with your team. By now, you have probably seen what happens when someone (or yourself!) sets a goal that’s too vague. […]
26 Tips to Create a Landing Page That Converts
Your landing page is the middle man between your product and your customer. Clicking to your landing page shows an interest, and you need to make the most of it. The following tips suggest small changes that lead to big […]
5 Surprising Benefits of Video Content Marketing
Content marketing helps you move your consumers through the marketing funnel from awareness, to consideration, to making a decision. By targeting an audience and a specific point in their decision-making process, you can generate more qualified leads that help the […]
10 Free Apps for Startups and Small Businesses in 2021
Looking for new tools to kickstart your startup? Here are 10 free apps that you can use to improve productivity, marketing, communication and finances for your small business. Apps for Productivity Streamline basic tasks with these free apps so you […]
3 Unique Questions to Understand Your Target Audience
You know you’re not targeting everyone on Earth for your product or service. You know having a target audience helps to narrow down marketing specifics and copy style. But to really get inside the head of your target audience takes […]
Why No One Is Subscribing to Your Email List (And 3 Ways to Fix It)
Email lists are everywhere now. You’ve seen the pop-up promotion that interrupts your scrolling each time you visit someone’s personal blog. Maybe your site is the one bombarding readers with “Sign up for my email list!” as soon as they […]